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Cockburn Student Prize

In honour of Eve Cockburn, this award is a recognition to the best student contributions (in paper or poster) to any aspect of paleopathology.   


  • The first author must be a paid-up student member of the PPA who has not previously won a Cockburn Student Prize. 
  • Students who have completed all terminal degree requirements prior to the abstract submission deadline are not eligible.
  • Multi-authored papers are acceptable, but a current student must be the lead researcher and author.
  • The student author must present the paper or poster at either the North American Annual meeting, the PAMinSA or the European PPA Meeting.
  • The paper or poster cannot have been published prior to the meeting and cannot have been presented at any other meeting prior to the PPA Meeting it is presented at.


  • All papers and poster submissions must be submitted to the Director at Large (Student Liaison) via email at least TWO WEEKS prior to the meeting.
  • Papers/posters NOT received on the Monday two weeks prior to the start of the meeting will be disqualified from the competition. The deadline for email submission will be indicated on the abstract submission form and reminders will be posted on the student Facebook page
  • The Scientific Committee judges will review all of the contributions during the meeting and decide on the winners of the competition.
  • There will be two cash prizes of $200.00 USD awarded: usually, one for the Best Student Podium Presentation and one for the Best Student Poster Presentation. A runner-up prize for the Best Poster Presentation of $100.00 USD will be awarded depending on the number of entrants.
  • Elsevier will make any papers published in the IJPP as a result of the Cockburn Student Prize freely available for 3 months. 
  • Winners of the Cockburn Student Prizes will be announced on the PPA website and the next PPA Newsletter.


2024 Rebecca Pitt, Rebecca Hall, Dulce Neves and Amanda Cooke (NA PPA)

2023 Kaitlyn Sanders, Kendra Isable, Dayanira Lopez (NA PPAs), and Daniela Guevara, and Ricardo Gomes (PAMinSA)

2022     Aida R. Barbera, Émy Roberge, Hayley Welch (NA PPAs)

2021     Kelly Blevins, Robin Quataert

2019     Jennifer Austin, Brianne Morgan
2018     Khrystyne Tschinkel, Rebecca Cessford

2018     Álvaro Monge Calleja (EPPA, Croatia)

2017     Hilarie Huley, Anna Barrett, Laura Castells Navarro
2016     Natasha Castellon-Hinkle, Rebecca Gilmour, Samantha Yaussy
2015     Courtney Miller, Armando Anzellini, 

Amanda Groff
2014     Lori D’Ortenzio, Rachel Perash, Adam Crane
2013     Reshma Varghese, Jessica Walker
2012     Caitlin Ibarra, Danielle Hanson
2011     Susan Spencer, C. Brady Davis
2010     Giovanni Vercellotti, Karyn Olsen
2009     Hedy Justus, Amanda Agnew, Andrew Wade
2008     Wendy Potter, Haagen Klaus
2007     Julie Euber, Erica Tyler
2006     Rebecca Storm
2005     Rachel Ives, Kristin Horner
2004     J. Marla Toyne
2003     Starletta Brown
2001     Bryan Scott Aubry, Daniel Temple

2000     Leslie Harlacker


This Elsevier Sponsored Award is a recognition of work that makes a strong contribution to any aspect of paleopathology.

Two awards will be made annually: one from the North American meeting and the other from either the European Paleopathology Association meeting or the Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America (PAMinSA).


    • You must be a current member of the PPA (non-members can apply by paying next year's annual membership fee).
    • You must have presented your paper or poster at either the North American meeting or the European Paleopathology Association meeting or the Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America (PAMinSA).
    • You must have your PhD in hand. The window of opportunity for this award includes the year the PhD was awarded and the following eight years.
    • Papers can be multi-authored, but you must be the first author and principal researcher and your contribution must be clearly identified.
    • The paper must not have been submitted for publication and received feedback from external reviewers.
    • The paper or poster cannot have been published or presented at any other meeting prior to the PPA meeting (excluding presentation in a thesis or dissertation defense).
    • You must not have previously won an IJPP Early Career Conference Award.
    • All paper and poster submissions must be submitted to the President via email at least TWO WEEKS prior to the meeting.
    • Papers/posters NOT received on the Monday two weeks prior to the start of the meeting will be disqualified from the competition. The deadline for email submission will be indicated on the abstract submission form and reminders will be posted on the student Facebook page.
    • Competition judges will review all entries. Competition judges include members of the PPA Board of Directors and senior members of the PPA. They are appointed by the PPA President.
    • The results of the competition will be announced on the PPA website and in the December Newsletter.
    • The winners will receive a cash prize from Elsevier, currently $250 USD each, and are encouraged to submit the winning papers to IJPP as a research article or case study. If authors submit their manuscript to the IJPP, they are encouraged to enter the Jane E. Buikstra Award.
    • Elsevier will make  IJPP Early Career Conference Award papers freely available for 3 months. 


    2023 Derek Boyd 

    2024 Amy Anderson


    Jane E. Buikstra Award

    In honour of Jane E. Buisktra, this Elsevier Sponsored Award is conferred to an author whose published paper in the IJPP makes a significant contribution to paleopathology in that year. The contribution can be based on primary research, the application of theoretical approaches, or methodological developments.

    One award will be made annually.


    • You must be a current member of the PPA (non-members can apply by paying next year's annual membership fee).
    • You must have a paper accepted for publication in the International Journal of Paleopathology (IJPP) and this paper must have been assigned an ISSN.
    • You must have your PhD in hand at the time your paper is accepted for publication in the IJPP. The window of opportunity for this award includes the year your PhD was awarded and the following eight years.
    • Papers can be multi-authored, but you must be the first author and principal researcher, and your contribution must be clearly identified.
    • You must not have previously won the Jane E. Buikstra Award.


      • When you submit your manuscript to IJPP, you will be asked if you wish for your paper to be considered for the Jane E. Buikstra Award, and if your paper is accepted, you will be asked to confirm your choice and membership of the PPA.
      • Once the December issue of IJPP is complete, all papers from eligible individuals will be evaluated by competition judges. All categories of paper will be considered. The PPA President and IJPP Editor-in-Chief will appoint a panel of judges comprising experts in the field, and members of the PPA Board of Directors to review all eligible papers.
      • The winner will be judged to have made the greatest contribution to paleopathology; the contribution can be based on primary research findings, theoretical approaches or methodological developments.
      • The results of the competition will be announced on the PPA website and in the March Newsletter. The article will be identified as having received the Jane E. Buikstra Award.
      • The winner will receive a cash prize: currently $500 USD from Elsevier.
      • Elsevier will make the article from the Jane E. Buikstra Award freely available for 6 months. 

      PAST JANE E. BUIKSTRA EARLY CAREER AWARDEES (previously called Jane E. Buikstra Early Career Award prior to 2023)

      2021     Rachel Schats
      2018     Rebecca Gilmour
      2017     Ceridwen Boston
      2016     Sarah Schrader
      2015     Anne R. Titelbaum
      2014     Nivien Speith

      Art Aufderheide Award

      In honour of Art Aufderheide, this Elsevier Sponsored Award is conferred to a student author whose published paper in the IJPP makes a significant contribution to paleopathology in that year. The contribution can be based on primary research, the application of theoretical approaches, or methodological developments.

      One award will be made annually.


      • You must be a registered student (undergraduate, Masters, PhD)
      • You must be a current member of the PPA (non-members can apply by paying next year's annual membership fee).
      • You must have a paper accepted for publication in the International Journal of Paleopathology (IJPP) and this paper must have been assigned an ISSN.
      • Papers can be multi-authored, but you must be the first author and principal researcher, and your contribution must be clearly identified.
      • You must not have previously won the Art Aufderheide Award.


      • When you submit your manuscript to IJPP, you will be asked if you wish for your paper to be considered for the Art Aufderheide Award, and if your paper is accepted, you will be asked to confirm your student status and membership of the PPA.
      • Once the December issue of IJPP is complete, all papers from eligible individuals will be evaluated by competition judges. All categories of paper will be considered. The Director-at-Large II (Awards) and IJPP Editor-in-Chief will appoint a panel of judges comprising experts in the field, and members of the PPA Board of Directors to review all eligible papers.
      • The results of the competition will be announced on the PPA social media sites and in the March Newsletter. The article will be identified as having received the Art Aufderheide Award
      • The winner will receive a cash prize: currently $500 USD.


      Eve Cockburn Service Award

      This award recognizes a senior member of the PPA who has demonstrated outstanding and long-standing contributions to the Association and to the discipline of paleopathology. This award will be conferred in odd numbered years. 

      Click Here for Information on the Award

      And send your nomination and letter of support to our Director-at-Large (Awards) 


      2023    Marie Danforth

      2021    Ana Luisa Santos

      2019    Charles Merbs 

      2017    Charlotte Roberts  
      2015    Andrea Buck  
      2013    Anne Grauer 
      2011    Jane Buikstra  
      2009    Mary Powell   
      2007    Rose Tyson   

      2005    Don Ortner 

      Don Ortner Mentorship Award

      This award recognizes an exceptional PPA member who has consistently provided mentorship, support, guidance and strong direction to students and junior colleagues. This award will be conferred in even numbered years. 

      Click Here for Information on How To Nominate A Member

      And send your nomination and letter of support to our Director-at-Large (Awards) 


      2022    Sheila Mendonça de Souza

      2020    Keith Manchester 

      2018    Tracy Prowse 

      2016    Karl Reinhard  
      2014    Marie Danforth    
      2012    Della Collins Cook   
      2010    Jerry Melbye   

      2008    Jerry Rose 

       The PPA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
      For information or queries, please contact our Communications and Publicity Liaison

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